Roles to be filled

Middle of Nowhere | Parent leads

Year round And On Site


Focus on the work that goes into organising MoN:
We are looking for a couple of human realizers who will consolidate the disparate volunteer efforts which go into making MoN happen: structure, lighting, sound, decor, scheduling performances & workshops, and anything else which might arise. Give them a vision to rally around, and then keep them organised. Work with other teams and with independent volunteers to bring everything together.

Tasks and time commitment

Pre Event: From January, a few hours per week, increasing over the months until the event.

During Event: Address or delegate to the proper team(s) any MoN related concerns which arise and need to be addressed.

Examples of anticipated work:

  • Communicate with relevant Norg teams and recruit new volunteers to (re)form the MoN team within the Creativity department.
  • Be the Creativity MetaLead’s point-of-contact for anything related to MoN.
  • Calculate and provide the MoN budget requirement and thereafter conform to it.
  • Have an impact on making MoN more meaningful to the event.

Which department does this role belong to


Required Skills

  • Caring about the Middle of Nowhere and its function at the event.
  • Responsible and responsive!
  • Availability in the months before Nowhere.

Bonus skills

  • Knowledgeable of what the Middle of Nowhere has been so far.
  • Comfortable with spreadsheets, emails and group calls.
  • A problem solver and a great communicator.


  • Meet the Art Team at Nowhere đŸ™‚
  • Discover how the efforts of many, when correctly coordinated, create wonderful results.
  • Learn firsthand how various pieces of Nowhere fit together.
  • Gain project management skills.