
Not Just A Burning Man Regional Event

When is the next event?!? July 2nd - July 7th 2024.

Are you excitedly counting down the days to the next Nowhere? Awesome! Us too! The good news is we’ve confirmed the next event will be held on July 2 – 7, 2024. Get pumped and enjoy this exciting countdown!

Did I miss the ticket sale?!? Yes and No!

The standard Nowhere tickets will say “sold out”, but you can still make it to the desert… 

1️⃣ If YOU are registered on FIST to volunteer on shifts and don’t have a ticket, then:

You can speak to your team lead who will decide if they can have a volunteer code to buy a standard price ticket for that role. There are not many of these available 

2️⃣ OTHER OPTION, there are limited VIP tickets available so act soon. 

*VIP: Voluntarily Inflated Price.

3️⃣ Final news: If you have a Low Income (LI) ticket code, it is accepted until 31st May. 

If you wait until after, we will be sad to miss you 🙁 

Tickets sales opened on February 1st 2024! Subscribe to our newsletter, listen as we scream it from the rooftops.

Application for low income tickets are now closed.

Pre-sale codes were also emailed to last year’s volunteers on January 29th 2024. That’s right! We offering pre sale opportunities to the amazing Nobodies who volunteered their valuable time helping ensure Nowhere was a successful event last year. Not only is volunteering a great way to get involved with the Nowhere community but it also means you get perks! And gratitude. Don’t forget the gratitude.

You can review all the above information on the ticket page but in a slightly different format and with more details. Go do that!

Learn More About Nowhere

Nowhere is a creative, safe space for humans across the world to learn, grow and explore, for collective communities to be built; partying, playing and working together to create something special. Nowhere is an annual event in the northern spanish desert; an official Regional Burning Man event which follows the 10 principles. Come and Join us!


Nowhere follows the 10 principles of Burning Man which were created by founder Larry Harvey in 2004. They are a collective reflection of our worldwide community’s ethos and culture. From being Radically Inclusive to Leaving No Trace, the principles are there as guidance for how we should act at Nowhere and beyond.


At Nowhere, we are free to express ourselves, to share, to co-create, to be in the moment: but when our actions directly alter someone else’s experience, we need to get their consent. Clear, verbal (explicit) communication is very important to ensure that each person’s boundaries are understood and respected.


NOrg is our nickname for the Nowhere Organization - the company and legal entity that runs the Nowhere event. Everyone is a part of NOrg by participating and volunteering at the event however some roles have more responsibility and form part of NOrg’s legal requirements mandated by Spanish law.

Some Images: Get stoked!

Participation Spotlight


Art at Nowhere comes in all shapes and sizes! Whether you want to delight the Nobodies on site with an eclectic theater performance piece, build an avant-garde tower or a small and intricate art installation, or drive around on a weird and wonderful transport sound system, we’ve got room for it all. Plus you can get an art grant to make it happen!


Theme camps AKA barrios make life at Nowhere much more exciting! Different barrios offer different experiences including live or electronic music, weird and wonderful activities, or just being a chill space. You can start your own barrio or join an existing barrio! Whatever you decide, barrios make living in the desert for a week a (slightly) less strenuous task.


FIST is our online volunteer management system where you sign up for on site shifts - there’s something to suit every skill! Whether you want to check tickets at gate, look after Nobodies at Welfare or sell ice - FIST is where you’ll find the details. FIST will open the week tickets go on sale and we encourage everyone attending to volunteer.

Join Norg

There are 14 wonderful departments to get involved with, get choosing! Each of them need year-round volunteers with magic powers to make Nowhere an experience you’ll enjoy.

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